Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So this morning i was greeted with a text from a friend of mine,
who although they are not a  'follower' of my blog,
they are still a follower.
It was brought to my attention that i hadn't posted about anything in nearly 2 weeks.
So therefore, tonight, you get 2 brand new blog post's to fill your brain with for 5 minutes & then you can get back to your life.
When i replied to the text i called my friend a 'stalker' which got me thinking...
How has one website, the one & only FACEBOOK,
turned us into stalkers?
What is it about being able to see who is friends with whom, who was at what party & more importantly- what were they wearing! *yikes* that keeps us coming back for more & just stalking more?
We get pulled into a vortex.
An addiction vortex.
We get addicted to finding out & knowing what
our friends get up to.
But, they'd tell us anyway.. yeah? So why stalk them on facebook?
Is it so you can know exactly what is happening when it is happening which in turn makes you feel like you are in the all important 'loop?'
Is it because our own lives are boring?
...but, come on now seriously, your life is clearly not boring if you are reading my blog :)
(thanks by the way, love your support & comments!)
Or is it that we are interested to see how similar or how different we are to our peers?
To feel accepted by them? So we can reject them?
Whatever reason it is that you facebook-stalk, whether its that guy you pashed, that person you met at a party or that cutie that your best friend is pining over that you need to suss out, there is something fun about it. 
I have to admit though, it is extremly annoying when you do meet someone new & they say to you 'ohh, you're *INSERT NAME HERE* I've seen you all over facebook!'
Why? Why say that?
Nobody gains anything by you saying that. So just let it slide.
Now what was that cuties name again...
Happy stalking :)

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