Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CT Scan My Head Please. Did you find anything?

Ok, so I've never really been the 'sick' type of person.
...well, in mind yes.. but physically, I've had it pretty good.
Chicken pox when i was little, the old cold/flu every now & then- just the usual.
Never broken a bone, never had a blood nose, never even been stung by a bee!
..which is somewhat surprising considering i was a
tomboy when i was little.
I'm pretty tough. I have a high pain threshold. Even invincible!
A couple of weeks ago, i had a CT scan.
I guess if you're going to be sick, you may as well go all out & start with a CT scan yeah?
I'm sure that's how it works.
I was chatting to my doc the other day about an ailment/ annoyance which i have had for... hmm, about 7 years on & off.
7 Y E A R S.
Every single time I've been to the doc in the last 7 years I've mentioned it to them but they've always shrugged it off & said it's nothing & not to worry.
I was at the end of my tether. Yes I am a patient person ('scuse the pun.. patient.. doctor's.. yeah, lame.) & no it's not life threatening... although, if you look it up on Wikipedia it says that in some random, chance, severe case it can kill you.
But, that's just what Wikipedia says.. i shouldn't worry.. should i?!
Naaa. I don't have time for stuff like that in my life.
Anyway, so Ive never had a scan before.
You lie down on this bed, the Nurse puts a metal sheet over your vital organs~ aka 'girly bits', says 'Don't move.'  Then she promptly leaves the room.
I was scared to even BREATHE! I could feel my heart beat & i thought even that was making me move too much.
Here's a pic of the machine they used:
You go into the scan machine & lie there for what feels like forever, singing silly songs in your head, wondering if there's a camera above your face & the nurse is watching you in the next room laughing, wondering how long you will be there for- 10 minutes? 20 minutes?
Then, everything stops, the Nurse comes back in & informs you that 'You did well.'
I did 'well?!' What does that even mean?!
I did well because... i didn't move? I did well because the scan came out ok? I did well because i didn't freak out & have a panic attack? What is it?!
The following day, after playing phone tag with my doctor trying to find out my results..
'Hi, I'd like to speak to doctor x please.'
'He's with a patient, try back in half an hour.
'Hi, I'd like to speak to doctor x please.'
'He's out, try calling after lunch.'
'Hi, I'd like to speak to doctor x please.'
'He's with a patient, I'll get him to call you.'
He finally left me a voicemail with my results.
Some clarity, finally, after 7 years.
Le sigh*

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