Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I have 4.
Yes, 4 loves of my life.
one, two, three, four.
Simple as that!
Does that sound just a *little* bit greedy??
I figure, what's better than having 1 love of my life? ...well, having 4 of them, ofcourse darling!
The catch is, I don't want to share them~ so i guess that would be classed as greedy hey.
(Although, I am talking about them with you on my blog.. does that count as sharing them? Giving insight into them? Into the workings of my psyche? Maybe im not so greedy afterall)
It's ok to have 4... isn't it?
Who are they?
I thought you'd never ask! :)
Let me discuss:
Every now & then, you will meet someone who will completely blow you away.
That first impression will often set the benchmark for your future relationship with them.
You had fun with them & they left a huge impact on you.
From then on, the friendship & relationship can
only grow stronger.
No question about it. You are enamoured by them.
You want to see them every day & spend every waking
minute with them.
They are constantly on your mind. Morning, noon & night.
You want to love them, you want to smother them in kisses, you want to protect them, you want to help them, you want to always be there for them, if you could give them the world you would.
Then they do a small, simple gesture.
They smile at you.
They might hold your hand or give you a hug.
A kiss.
Just that little display of affection can keep your heart smiling for days, weeks, even months to come.
Every time you see them, whether it's often or not, you always experience a warm buzzing feeling deep down inside your heart.
Instantly a rush of endorphins flood over you.
You could be surrounded by a crowd of people, but in that very moment, nothing else matters except them.
The world around you is insignificant.
You are caught up in the moment!
I am ofcourse, talking about my 3 nieces & my 1 nephew.
The 4 loves of my life.
The very instant i met them after they were born, i felt
all of the above & more!
Instant, unselfish love.
I would do anything for those kids.
No questions asked.
Im sorry if you got the wrong impression.
But i guess thats your fault for making such a wild assumption that i was in love with 4 men!
Thats just crazy.
ps- xox


  1. Could have been 4 women. MP

  2. I just fed your fish for a hour, there was to much to read on the page....
