Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Girls are pieces of MEAT!

Just kidding.
No we definitely are not.
Surprise, surprise, we're actually people not just a nice piece of.... well, you get my drift.
Don't get me wrong, there is definitely something very nice, lovely & good about a guy who sees someone he likes & then
goes for her.
However easy or hard it may be.
Who knows where it could lead?
It could be the best gamble you ever make & if nothing works out, then atleast you've gained a friend from it.
In doing so, you'll gain her respect which I'm sure some of you guys don't care about just yet, but the select few who do care are the real gems out there.
Few & far between.
Before i go on, let me set something straight.
My dad is very traditional.
Man pursues woman.
The end.
Simple equation really.
That's what I have been brought up knowing.
Nothing makes you feel more desired than a guy who is confident enough to actually take that chance & pursue you & knows how to hold onto your attention once he's got it.
Oooh la la!
When you make her feel like this, she responds.
It's when guys cross the line & feel they can treat you like a piece of meat & still win you over after doing so.
How dumb do you think we are?
(That's a rhetorical question by the way)
No thanks. Goodbye mate.
It's not the best feeling in the world.
Especially when random guys yell out obscene, rude things to you, wolf whistle at you (actually.. I must confess, I don't mind the old wolf whistle because it's nice to be appreciated when strutting down the street!)
Or when random guys grab you to dance with.
No thanks random grindy guy.
Get away from me. Yuck.
You want some love? Then don't treat me like trash.
I can hold out longer than you can.
Where has chivalry gone? Seriously.
When a guy is chivalrous towards me, it completely
blows my mind!
I never expect it. Ever.
So when it happens, it's always a lovely surprise & I feel like i owe him the world because he makes me feel that nice.
Actions always get a reaction ;)
Even if it's just something little like buying a drink for me, paying for a cab ride or bringing a bottle of wine to dinner.
Win Win Win.
It's just simple, nice & courteous.
For me, it really is the little things in life that count.
I don't need or want to be bought expensive things.
(Unless it's an engagement ring. Then, the bigger the better! Diamond. 9ct white gold please. You wont regret it.)
It makes you feel like a person, not just some piece of meat that can be used, abused & expected to still be there next time.
To my boy friends who just seem to 'get it,' you guys are champions.
ps- You'd be surprised how far a little chivalry & respect 
will get you... yes. yes. yes.