Wednesday, July 20, 2011


On a serious note.
Who hasn't been affected by someone who has had cancer?
I doubt any of you would be able to say 'Not I' to
the above question.
And if you can 100% honestly say that, you are one of the
luckiest people alive.
It almost feels like I've been around it my whole life.
Physically I haven't experienced it but personally I have.
A few too many times.
Actually you know what, I've been surrounded by death
my entire life.
Friends. Family. Loved ones.
~As I'm sure you can all relate to~
No one can escape it & no one can hide from it.
Recently i learned that someone who is very dear to me has just found out their mum has breast cancer.
I was choking back tears when i found out.
In that very moment, nothing else in my little
insignificant life mattered.
Not the stresses of work.
Not wondering if that cutie with the amazing smile actually
might like me.
Not a thing.
As I write the rough draft of this blog in my notebook (yes, I actually hand write it in a notebook first & edit it. Old school styles) I am currently sitting in a random cafe thinking & reminiscing about life & the people I've loved & lost.
Whether it's been because of cancer or another unforeseeable circumstance taking someone away too young.
MP3 player plugged into my ears drowning out the
world around me...
...Andrea Bocelli 'The Prayer' comes on.
Bloody hell.
The one song that makes me cry. Always.
*instant tears*
This is too much. I have to go.
Tell those who you love that you do.
To my darling girl friend.
Hang in there my love.
Infinity hugs, kisses & love.
You are not alone.
ps- I Love You.

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