Friday, March 18, 2011


What is it about a set of killer, over the knee, black leather boots that just oozes appeal on a worldwide scale?
Is it the fact that every time winter rolls around for another year, they are always fashionable? Therefore, instead of spending another few hundred dollars on a brand spanking new pair, you can brush the dust off your old ones, give them a quick polish & strut along the street in them once more.
What about the fact that you can get away with wearing little skirts and still have warm legs in winter?
Or is it something to do with that one well purchased item being able to turn heads & be the envy of every woman who does not posses such boots, in turn almost giving
you a sense of empowerment?
I'll be honest with you, there is definitely a sense of mystey that comes with boots like this.
You see them strut passed you along the street while you are quietly minding your own business and sipping a soy late' at your favourtie cafe. (thats what all the cool cats are doing these days.. apparently) You cant help but watch them being strut all along the street until you can see them no more.
Where did she find such amazing boots?
I wonder how much they were?
Did i boost her ego a little bit too much by gawking at her?
How did she ever manage to get them on?
Ladie & Gents, i went to a fashion parade last night as part of the
Loreal Melbourne Fashion Festival.
The runway show i saw had knee high boots galore.
Strutting along in all their leathery glory i couldn't help but wonder... 'where can i find these boots...?'

* FYI no, unfortunately those legs are not mine. Sigh..


  1. Tough life. Meanwhile, this winter I plan on looking VICIOUS in my over-the-knee studded black boots. Xx

  2. i love over the knee and studs and leather! :)
