Thursday, April 7, 2011


I'm dead serious.
Since when did looking like a nerd/homeless person
become 'cool' as they say?
I must've missed that memo.
Nerds used to get beat up at school.
And homeless people are just plain dirty.
We want to be like them.... why?!
(while we're at is, who is 'they' as we all quote?
'they' say.. blahh blahh)
So many people are trying to be as individual as possible & in their attempts to do so, they only become like
everyone else around them.
Then theres the whole cool, but not cool thing.
People who are trying to be cool, by not being cool, in the hope that they will be cool.
Although, no true indie person would ever admit to this.
Have i lost you yet?
Its a circle, just keeps going round.
Bangs, fake reading glasses, cider, fixie bikes taking over the world, shirts buttoned all the way up, photos of ourselves with hands by our sides and zero expression, necklaces down to our belly buttons, shoes & no socks (how do you not get blisters i wonder) the list goes on..
 I promise you, dear reader, right here right now that i am not dissing this movement whatsoever.
I think I am more intriguied by it.
Where did it all come from..
Or am i just saying all of this because i am secretly trying to be cool by not trying at all?
(But i'd never admit to that.)


Driving to work this morning, stuck in traffic yet again, sipping a homemade mocha in a thermo' cup, listening to rubbish morning radio, I'm glancing around at the cars nearby and spot this one: Carrera S4.. somethin' somethin'
Instantly i figure the guy driving this has a well paying job, probably some hot girlfriend/wife to boot
..or perhaps he has both...
lives in some fancy brand new house overlooking the beach and has his own maid.
(that's probably a little extreme, but I'm sure it runs
true for some people out there)
Why do we instantly judge people by their appearances?
Maybe we want to 'work them out' the fastest way possible to gauge whether they are 'worthy' of our time & friendship..
Or is it because we want assurance that hey, maybe I'm better off than that guy in his slick shiny car and I'm not
actually in the dregs of society.
(this line of thought coming from someone *me* who has been awake for half an hour and not exactly functioning properly.. well, not yet.. give me 15 more minutes to wake up fully and I'll be fine)
Like this morning, you will see someone or something that you will immediately judge.
And then, as you cruise passed this particular person in traffic, you glance over to their car and you spot this
hanging from their rear vision mirror and it throws ALL of your theories out the door.  
Hey, shock horror!
At the end of the day, people who drive expensive cars are actually as normal as i am!
He's probably got a kid or two, a loving wife & they live in an old school weatherboard house near a playground.
Don't judge. It's so not worth it.
And more often than not, you'll be wrong.