i was tossing up between a BlackBerry or an IPhone.
The BlackBerry won hands down.
I didnt want to be one of those twit people who sit there off in their own world, not matter how surrounded by friends they are, all day fingering their IPhone's, playing 500 different games & googling the last movie sean connery was in which in turn takes the fun out of life.
No thankyou ma'am...
I on the other hand would prefer to have an actual conversation with the person sitting opposite me instead of waiting for the latest status update on facebook.
A friend said to me the other day that 'BlackBerry's are a status symbol.'
This cemented my love for BlackBerry over IPhone without even realising it.

As many times as i've walked into Sportsgirl hoping to find something relatively cool is as many times as i've left there empty handed thinking 'why do you keep going back there?'
One such occassion *almost* happened last week...
But, scouring through the mainstream clothes, I found this nifty lil' number which grabbed my attention.
It was on sale.
I figured i should own it. Probably the best option.
Maybe Sportsgirl isn't so bad afterall?