Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A CADILLAC, A CHEVROLET & A CERTAIN DODGE. aka one for the boys.

Now you may be wondering why i have decided to make this post about old cars... truth is, im not exactly sure why.
I just like them.
Who needs a reason for anything these days.
Nike got it right when they said 'Just Do It.'
So here goes.
This first picture is a Cadillac Eldorado.
You wouldn't believe how much fun i had 'googling'
images of old cars!
I can be really quite lame at times. Theres no denying that!
They are HOT!
My like of old cars probably stemmed from my 2 gorgeous, older brothers both having a love of them.
They always drove them & had magazines lying
around the house about them.
Even down to this day, if i ever see a really nice, done up old school car driving along, i cant help but stop & stare or watch it for as long as possible in my rear vision mirror.
There is just something about them.
Something that oozes an instant cool factor & instant respect for the owner of such a sweet machine.
Is it because the owner has taken so much good care of it & kept it in mint condition?
Or the fact that some of them are painted in such beautiful, bright colours & they just bring a smile to your face no matter what sort of day your are having?
Below, is a Chevrolet Impala.
If a guy came to my house to pick me up for a date (does that even happen anymore?) and he rolled up in something like this... well, what can i say.. bonus brownie points.
Big time :)
 ...and if he did one better and rolled up in THIS.. *sigh.
(below- Dodge Charger, darlings!)
It would make for a lasting impression.. to say the least.
Then theres the whole super charged, V8, turbo engine, SS, hotted up whatevers that are also around.
Dont get me wrong, they are fine.
But if you want classic style, you cant go passed older cars.
Unless you own a Lamborghini.
Pick me up at 8pm?


  1. this is the best thing ever. p.s my handwriting sucks, lucky i'm typing aye.

  2. you were never good at writing neatly.. esp on blackboards.
