Alright, you know when you have an absolute CRAP day at the office & you get in your car to come home, you are already FUMING & then some middle aged guy in his slick, black, shiny BMW zooms past you & cuts you off at a million miles an hour- which just adds fuel to your already massive fire burning in your belly? Yeah. That happened to me yesterday.
It's times like this, you have 2 options.
It's times like this, you have 2 options.
Option A: Find an angry, loud, hardcore rock, full of swears CD & blast it until your ears bleed.
Option B: Find a CD that is full of some of the most amazing, melodic piano you could ever dream of to help calm the furness that burns within.
Ladies & Gents. I chose Option B. I recommend you go here:
Please. If anyone is out there actually reading this, just go to his website & listen to some tunes, or buy a CD or sign him up. PRONTO.
It's not even a question. It's obvious. Just do it already.
Stop reading my crap & go & listen to something amazing.
My personal favourite CD, as below:

Feeling a bit more calm as you walk in your front door, you are greeted with a massive package waiting for you on your bed. (no pun intended..)
A rush of endorphins pour over your body from head to toe.
What is this? Who is it from? Why did i get this?
Before you can even say 'supercalifragilisticexpealidocious' you've already ripped open the package & discover that the DARLINGS at
have sent you 4 brand, spankin' new Loreal Hair products to trial for 1 week and give a review on. ECSTASY! Every girls dream!
And they're not just sample size. These babies are fully grown.
FYI, Zoe's blog is FANTASTIC!
And they're not just sample size. These babies are fully grown.
FYI, Zoe's blog is FANTASTIC!

Love your style, my lil sartorial friend!